Bea Grootscholten

At the Academy I occupied myself with all sorts of aspects of pop culture and design. That’s how I started making a 3D animation. Very interesting, but I wanted to learn everything in the field of design. After the animation I switched to film and photography. During my studies I made video clips, including ‘Ik bin su eil ‘ by Ed Lip and Aart Lus  in collaboration with team Dialectro. With this video I was also nominated for Best Video at the Gala of Frisian pop music. I finished my studies with a radio documentary and a photo exhibition.

Currently I am searching. I don’t know exactly what I want to do. During my education i did an internship at the VPRO, for whom I sometimes do photo assignments or assist in the production of events. The television world intrigues me. For a while I worked for Omrop Friesland for example. I was production assistant at Tjek, a school television program. Furthermore, I have been taking photographs and I make promotional material for the gym where I work in the evenings. Currently I am working on a radio documentary.

When I grow up I want a nice, varied job. The television world appeals to me. I already have an extensive network in the industry and want to profile myself further there. Production speaks highly to the imagination and that’s the field I’m hoping to find a job in. That does not mean I’ll stop taking pictures and filming. But life’s how it is and maybe there will be more interesting and informative projects on my path.


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