Nina de Jong

I used my time at the Academy to learn as many different skills as possible: I played drums, keyboard and percussion in several bands, threw parties, started a pop organization, made two musical theatre pieces and organized a street parade through Leeuwarden. I did an internship with ACCU Foundation in Amsterdam and with them I made a playground opera, did many parades and gigs, created costumes, websites and large objects. I performed a lot with my band Bird on the Wire in amongst others Paradiso, Ekko, Vera, France and Germany.

Finally I have combined these skills; music, design, theater and organization in my graduation project: a large wild street parade through Amsterdam.

Right now I am creating 32 costumes/hats for a live chess set. In august 2011 I’m going to work in Eindhoven for two weeks with Pretvormer and
create a wild street parade with local artists and other inhabitants of the city for a festival of Mobile Arts/De Parade.

For ACCU Foundation and with Pretvormer I’ll create a few more beautiful parades.

In the fall we’ll tour France, Germany, England, Belgium and the Netherlands and record a cd. Furthermore I want to keep on doing many beautiful projects in different cities and countries as a versatile artist!

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